Using Stoicism to beat my anxiety

An Unassuming Stoic
2 min readJan 20, 2023

For my day job, I work on water quality issues and volunteer coordination. Currently, I’m gearing up for our largest annual day of service for the Hudson River watershed in New York-New Jersey. This includes organizing with thousands of volunteers who want to be part of the action, cleaning up what used to be the largest Superfund site in the country. As part of the mass restoration efforts for the Hudson, my team and I have an ambitious goal of making this river cleanup the largest in the country. This both excites me and stresses me out.

When I first did this huge project just last year (before Stoicism), I felt much more stressed than excited because of all the moving parts and people I had to bring together. Admittedly, I dreaded the days leading up to the event and ended up not savoring the big day. I was just wallowing in my work. I didn’t want to let people down and wanted to do good by them, despite all the requests, questions, concerns, and few complaints they made during the planning process. At least I knew not to stay in bed each morning or else the stress would surmount more greatly. This is where I have to remind myself that that was my first year.

Being in year 2, and after practicing Stoicism, I feel more capable and excited to take this project on again. While I want to stay in bed a little more at times, it’s just a matter of getting started and I get into my zone. One trick I’m trying to use more is to think “I get to do this”, NOT “I have to do this.” And really, the majority of people don’t do what I do, so this work is a huge privilege. Furthermore, I am serving my community and people who depend on my service. Another trick is treating my obstacles with a sense of detachment and proceeding with the best intentions. Another reason to also appreciate the present and where I am now in my life, and not let anxiety win.

